The sequel is out September this year and but for now in episode #0018 of Flixwatcher Podcast we review Kingman: The Secret Service with Michelle from Hello Magazine and Adam from Fixer International.


Manners Maketh The Man Kingsman Episode 18 Flixwatcher Podcast

Michelle’s choice, Kingsman is the British spy action comedy from the team that brought us Kick Ass and Stardust (Matthew Vaughan and Jane Goldman).

Weighting pretty heavy on the action and ultra violence Kingman relies heavily on the charisma of Colin Firth and Taron Egerton with Samuel L. Jackson taking comic book villains to a new level.

You’ll never be able to listen to Lynyrd Skynyrd’s Free Bird in the same way again.




Episode #018 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #017 Crew of Michelle Johnson from Hello Magazine and Adam from Fixer International.

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

Well – it has to be “FreeBird” by “Lynyrd Skynyrd”!  When you have Colin Firth massacring a church to a song in any film, that has to be the song that is chosen!


More about Kingsman

For more info on the From Beyond, you can visit the Kingsman IMDB page here or the Kingsman on Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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