Michelle and Liz from Two Women Chatting podcast return to Flixwatcher remotely to review Michelle’s choice It’s Complicated.

It’s Complicated is a 2009 Nancy Meyers rom com. It stars Meryl Streep as Jane, a successful bakery owner and Alec Baldwin as Jake, Jane’s ex-husband who is now in a relationship with a much younger woman. While attending their son Luke’s graduation in New York they end up having drinks in the hotel bar and reminiscing about their time together. One thing leads to another and they end up having sex. Jake is thrilled and continues to pursue Jane when they return home. Jane is less thrilled and finds herself juggling the advances of her ex-husband and a new love interest in the form of Steve Martin’s, sensitive architect Adam.

If you are familiar with Nancy Meyers films then you won’t be surprised to see luxurious interiors, glamorous empowered women relaxing with wine together and in this case of It’s Complicated, older men and women having and enjoying sex.

The overall vibes of It’s Complicated is frothy and light, some of the behaviour has dated – in particular Jake’s borderline obsessive stalker behaviour – but it is mostly harmless. Scores for recommendability from Michelle and Liz were very high, slightly lower scores for repeat viewing gives an overall score of 4.03.


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Episode #292 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #292 Crew of  Liz and Michelle from Two Women Chatting

Find their Websites online at https://linktr.ee/TwoWomenChatti

Please make sure you give them some love


More about Its Complicated

For more info on Its Complicated, you can visit Its Complicated IMDb page here or Its Complicated Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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