Ashanti Omkar (film critic and journalist) and Akin Aworan (The Swinging Palm Tree Podcast) join Flixwatcher remotely to review Ashanti’s choice Rocks.

Rocks is a British coming-of-age drama from director Sarah Gavron starring Bukky (BAFTA Rising Star 2021) Bakray as Olushola “Rocks”, a black teenager who suddenly finds herself the sole carer for her younger brother Emmanuel when her mother disappears. Despite being surrounded by her compassionate and close-knit friends, Rocks struggles to keep things together and find a safe space for her and her brother to stay while trying to evade social services.

Rocks is both a story of female friendship and being a teenager in Britain today but also a heartbreaking reality of social care and the financial and mental hardships of single-parent families.

Empowering and uplifting, credit must be given to casting director Lucy Pardee for bringing together an authentic and energetic group of inspiring actresses who carry the whole film.


With a runtime of 93 minutes, Rocks doesn’t overstay its welcome and scores highly on recommendability but it let down by repeat viewing with it being a tough watch and scores a very respectable 4.18 overall.

What do you guys think? Have you seen Rocks? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #207 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #207 Crew of  Ashanti Omkar (@AshantiOmkarand Akin Aworan (@akinaworanfrom The Swinging Palm Tree Podcast.

Find their Websites online at

And at

Please make sure you give them some love

More about Rocks

For more info on Rocks, you can visit Rocks IMDb page here or Rocks Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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