Jessica Reagan (Best Pick podcast) and Carrie Morrison (Lights, Carrie, Action podcast) join Flixwatcher remotely to review Jess’s choice Kill Bill Vol 1.

Kill Bill Vol 1 is the first part of Quentin Tarantino and Uma Thurman’s homage to martial arts, samurai, blaxploitation, spaghetti western, grind house films revenge epic. Thurman stars as ‘The Bride’, beaten, shot and left for dead on her wedding day by Bill (David Carradine) and the Deadly Viper Assassination Squad (Lucy Liu, Michael Madsen, Daryl Hannah, and Vivica A. Fox) after she tries to leave and start a new life.

Released in 2003, prior to the #MeToo movement and before the stories of the abuse and car crash Thurman experienced during the filming, Kill Bill represents peak Tarantino. With nods to his own back catalogue (Mia Wallace’s ’square’ and Clarence Worley’s sunglasses) as well as the usual suspects (Game of Death’s jumpsuit and motorbike and Lady Snowblood) Kill Bill is a non stop violent and often funny femme fronted revenge epic.


Thurman completely owns the role – it is such a powerful, physical and iconic role and nothing can take that away from her. Kill Bill Vol 1 scores fairly highly for recommendability and as with all Tarantino’s films a high repeat viewing is recommended. It is let down however by a much lower small screen score to give Kill Bill Vol 1 an overall score of 3.96.

What do you guys think? Have you seen Kill Bill vol 1? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #225 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #225 Crew of Carrie Morrison (@CarrieJoMo) and Jessica Regan (@itsjessregan) from The Best Pick movie podcast

Find their Websites online at

And at

And at


Please make sure you give them some love

More about Kill Bill vol 1

For more info on Kill Bill vol 1, you can visit Kill Bill vol 1 IMDb page here or Kill Bill vol 1 Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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