Happy New Year Flixwatcher fans!
We hope you had a fantastically festive film based Christmas and caught up on our previously reviewed films – if you did let us know your Flixwatcher scores by Tweeting us @Flixwatcherpod Our first podcast for you in 2017 is Ep #007 with Dave and Jen from The Family Tree – The Little Prince Netflix Original animation, the choice of Dave.
A personal project from director Mark Osborne (Kung Fu Panda & Spongebob SquarePants) to animate the classic novella written by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (French aristocrat, writer, poet, and pioneering aviator) in 1943, was also a personal choice from Dave. Remembering it from his childhood as an audiotape and now intrigued to find out how the story translates into this 2015 animation.
A film that could be broken up into three parts, the Flixwatcher team and Dave and Jen agreed unanimously that it was gorgeously animated but lacked coherence. There was plenty of discussion on kids films – why we categorise most animation as children’s entertainment – the unnecessary need for endless sequels and of course the beast that is Pixar! More importantly for Dave and Jen – the ability to be able to have a tea break in the middle of a film session!
Overall The Little Prince comes out as a solid 3 – we admired its ambitions and adored Jeff Bridges Aviator but its pace and third part let it down. Not up there with the high scores of the other Netflix Originals we’ve reviewed (Knox, Beasts of No Nation) but still worth a watch.
Episode Crew Name | Recommendability Score | Repeat Viewing Score | Small Screen Score | Engagement Score | Overall Score |
Jen | 3 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3.25 |
Dave | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 3.5 |
Helen | 3 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 2.5 |
Kobi | 3 | 2 | 4 | 2.5 | 2.875 |
AVERAGE | 3 | 2.25 | 3.75 | 3.125 | 3.0 |
Overall The Little Prince comes out as a solid 3 – we admired its ambitions and adored Jeff Bridges Aviator but its pace and third part let it down.
The Little Prince performed highest on the Small Screen Score with Score of 3.75 and lowest on repeat viewing score with 2.25.
Not up there with the high scores of the other Netflix Originals we’ve reviewed (Knox, Beasts of No Nation) but still worth a watch.
Episode #007 Crew Links
Thanks to the Episode #007 Crew of Dave and Jen from The Family Tree @familytreepod and Getting Better Acquainted @GBAPodcast
You can listen to Family Tree on iTunes and Getting Better Acquainted on iTunes Too.
Dave Pickering can be found on Twitter at @Goosefat101 and Jen Adamthwaite @jadamthwaite
Please make sure you give them some love
Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist
The Soundtrack for the includes a few tracks by Charles Trenet was and we included the track “Boum” to the Flixwatcher Playlist
More about The Little Prince
For more Little Prince Chat, you can visit the The Little Prince IMDB page here or The Little Prince on Rotten Tomatoes page here.
Mark Osborne @happyproduct
Jeff Bridges @TheJeffBridges
Mackenzie Foy @mackenziefoy
Rachel McAdams @rachelmonline
Marion Cotillard @marion_cotillar
Riley Osborne @rileyiosborn
James Franco @JamesFrancoTV
Bud Cort @calmdownbudcort
Benicio Del Toro @BenicioDelToro
Ricky Gervais @rickygervais
Final Plug! Subscribe, Share and Review us on iTunes
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