Episode #008 sees Simon from Level Up Human choose the 2015 science fiction film Advantageous.
A self-proclaimed sci-fi snob, Simon choose this as it was the most science fiction film he could find on Netflix …and because he liked the cover image!
Set in a bleak, near-future, urban environment, where we communicate with bots via holographic Skype calls and women are ‘completely shelved’ after a certain age, the film’s protagonist is forced into undergoing an experimental full body swap. It’s a future with no animals, not much fun for kids and shopping for her new body is like being on Tinder.
Ultimately the film suffers from what Simon calls the ‘prototype problem’. Also noted was it’s shoddy sci-fi and being inferior to Black Mirror.
Despite scoring a relatively low 2.3 (Kobi would recommend Transformers 3 ahead of this!!) and really REALLY annoying Rachel it gave for a surprisingly in-depth discussion and debate on memory, ethics of body swaps, personality and cloning.
“Believably bland” a Hollywood remake is calling….
Episode Crew Name | Recommendability Score | Repeat Viewing Score | Small Screen Score | Engagement Score | Overall Score |
Rachel | 1 | 3 | 2 | 1.5 | 1.875 |
Simon | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3.25 |
Helen | 2.5 | 1 | 3 | 2.5 | 2.25 |
Kobi | 1 | 1 | 3 | 2 | 1.75 |
AVERAGE | 1.875 | 2.25 | 2.75 | 2.25 | 2.3 |
Despite scoring a relatively low 2.3 (Kobi would recommend Transformers 3 ahead of this!!) and really REALLY annoying Rachel it gave for a surprisingly in-depth discussion and debate on memory, ethics of body swaps, personality and cloning.
“Believably bland” a Hollywood remake is calling….
Episode #008 Crew Links
Just to remind you all, the Episode #008 Crew of Simon and Rachel from Level Up Human @LevelUpHuman
You can listen to Level Up Humans on iTunes .
Simon Watt can be found on Twitter at @ SimonDWatt and Rachel @ RachelWheeley
Please make sure you give them some love
Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist
At the start of the film the mother and daughter were playing the piano and singing the French Christmas Classic “Il Est Ne Le Divin Enfant”. We couldn’t find their version but we found that Annie Lennox did a version and that’s what we have added to the Flixwatcher Playlist!
More about The Little Prince
If you want to know more about Avantageous you can find check it out on IMDB or you can find more info via Rotten Tomatoes.
Advantageous @advantageousme
Jennifer Phang @Phangvantageous
Jacqueline Kim @jpkimchii
James Urbaniak @JamesUrbaniak
Freya Adams @freya_adams
Ken Jeong @kenjeong
Jennifer Ehle @jenniferehle
Samantha Kim @samanthagkh
Troi Zee @troizee
Olivia Horton @Olivia_Horton97
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