We welcome back Jen and Dave from The Family Tree podcast for Episode #013 this time it’s Jen’s choice and she picked Yorgos Lanthimos’ 2015 dystopian “romantic comedy” The Lobster.

The Lobster-Flixwatcher Podcast - Image 03

Treading a thin line between tragedy and comedy with its moments of absurdity and bleak violence The Lobster is the most requested film choice by our guests – for us this was a welcome re-watch.

Featuring a stellar cast including, Rachel Weisz, Olivia Colman, Lea Seydoux, John C. Reilly and Ben Whishaw (!) and a career best from the often patchy Colin Farrell The Lobster can be viewed as a film of two parts (a perfect opportunity for the important tea break!)

Watched The Lobster? Tweet us @flixwatcherpod and tell us what animal you would choose!


Summed up as a magical realist film the guests and host recommend it – particularly as an introduction the occasionally surreal world of international cinema – scoring highly on the small screen viewing.

Episode #013 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #013 Crew of Dave and Jen from The Family Tree @familytreepod and Getting Better Acquainted @GBAPodcast

You can listen to Family Tree on iTunes and Getting Better Acquainted on iTunes Too.

Dave Pickering can be found on Twitter at @Goosefat101 and Jen Adamthwaite @jadamthwaite

Please make sure you give them some love

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

The Soundtrack for Lobster mainly consists of Orchestral Score including Beethovens “String Quartet No1 in F Major” which we have included as well as Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds & Kylie “Where The Wild Roses Grow”


More about The Lobster

For more The Lobster, you can visit  The Lobster IMDB page here or The Lobster on Rotten Tomatoes page here.

@LobsterFilm Yorgos Lanthimos

Jacqueline Abrahams @authorjabrahams

Rog Ashton-Griffiths @ashtongriffiths

Jessica Barden @RealJessyBarden

Olivia Colman @OColmanFans

Ben Wishaw

Roland Ferrandi @roland_ferrandi

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