In episode #0016 we review Under the Skin with Will and Joe from Exploding Helicopter website and podcast.

SPOILER. There are NO exploding helicopters in Under the Skin. This is the 2013 film from Jonathan Glazer featuring Scarlett Johansson as an alien scouring the streets of Glasgow for unsuspecting prey.

Under the skin-Flixwatcher Podcast - Image 06


Chosen by Will as a second or third-time watcher – and not for the faint hearted casual viewer – Under the Skin blends arthouse and mainstream in a unique and challenging way.

Lacking in dialogue, largely improvised without a clear linear narrative this film isn’t an easy watch, as our reviews reveal though there is a lot of beauty and nuanced intention. A minimal and stripped down role, Scarlett Johansson compels expectations and pushes the boundaries of mainstream performances.


Does she learn humanity? Is it a feminist film? What happens in diesel sex dungeon? The scene with the baby? Aren’t you glad Brad Pitt never got involved? So many questions but what are your answers?

If you agree its not style over substance and can get beyond the room of goo – please share with us your thoughts and opinions of this film. One of the more obscure choices for the Flixwatcher pod, we urge you to get Under the Skin and experience this unique and obscure film on Netflix.


Episode #016 Crew Links

You can listen to Exploding Helicopter on iTunes and can be found on Twitter at @chopperFireball

Please make sure you give them some love

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

The Under the Skin soundtrack is freaky and ethereal and we wonder if you can separate it from the film, BUT just in case you did want to listen in isolation we have added “Andrew Void” to the Flixwatcher Soundtrack.


More about Under The Skin

If you want to know more about Under The Skin you can find check it out on IMDB or you can find more info via Rotten Tomatoes.



Jonathan Glazer @Swindon_gol

Scarlett Johansson @Scarlett_Jo

Jeremy McWilliams @McWill99

Dougie McConnell @dougiemcconnell

Kevin McAlinden @kevin_mcalinden

Andrew Gorman @andrewgm3

Joe Szula @joe_szula

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