It’s Episode 23 and we’re reviewing a documentary! Sam from Conversations with Samantha & chooses Happy, a 2011 feature documentary film directed, written, and co-produced by Roko Belic.

Happy -Flixwatcher Podcast - Image 04Happy is an exploration of the definition of happiness – what makes us happy and what happiness means to different people. Looking at real life stories about different perspectives on happiness – the Brazilian surfer living the dream, Danish co-housing community but also touching on the opposite of happiness – Japanese Karōshi (working to death).

The documentary is unlikely to make you happier or change your life dramatically – it’s not an exercise in self-help. Surprisingly though it reveals that more money doesn’t necessarily equate to more happiness.


Feeling dated already – remember “Myspace” anyone? Happy is missing a proper international feel and doesn’t really offer anything particularly ground breaking or revelatory but it is a short watch at 1 hour 16 minutes. Scoring 2.6 – the feelings were pretty unanimous across the board.

Scoring 2.6 – the feelings were pretty unanimous across the board.

What do you guys think? Have you seen Happy? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #023 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #023 Crew of Samantha Clarke @samanthaand_ ( and Mark Leruste @MarkLeruste (

Please make sure you give them some love

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

There’s no real song in Happy, BUT in spite of this, and the fact that the song does “grate” on you, we have chosen “Happy” by Pharrell Williams…sorry/ not sorry 🙂

More about Happy

For more info on Happy, you can visit the Happy IMDB page here or the Happy Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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