We’ve arrived at episode 65! From true crime podcast “RedHanded” podcast Hannah and Suruthi join us for Hannah’s choice, the Kitty Green documentary/audition reel “Casting JonBenét”.

Fun fact – the murder of JonBenét was responsible for the creation of RedHanded – yet to be covered in their podcast but you can hear their verdict on this episode!

It’s important to note this is not a documentary and it doesn’t shed any new light or offer and closure to one of the most famous and fascinating unsolved crimes.

So what is it? It is a short of extended audition reel and imagined reenactment of what happened on the night of 26 December 1996. The end result is a collection of weirdos aiming for their five minutes of fame and beautiful cinematography – with creepy potentially pedophile Santa.

If you’re looking for answers there is a two-part CBS documentary that can satisfy that if you’re looking for a insight into small town Americana and dark humour this is your biscuit.


Casting JonBenét is obviously going to lose points on repeat viewing – but scores generally well on recommendability and scores overall 3.57 – strong for a documentary film!

What do you guys think? Have you seen Casting JonBenét? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #065 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #065 Crew Suruthi Bala @suruthibala  and Hannah from true crime podcast “RedHanded” @RedhandedThePod

Find their website online here: https://www.acast.com/redhanded

Please make sure you give them some love

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

It has to be Putting on the Ritz, but there is no Gene Wilder version so we have added the Mel Torme Version!

More about Casting JonBenét

For more info on Casting JonBenét, you can visit the Casting JonBenét IMDB page here or the Casting JonBenét Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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Films New on Netflix

As well as this weeks episode we think you should know some of the best new films on Netflix UK this week. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news.

The Hateful Eight

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The Stanford Prison Experiment

Conducting a study on the psychology of incarceration, a Stanford professor assigns guard and prisoner roles to 24 male test subjects in a mock jail.

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30 Days of Night

When a monthlong period of darkness sets in on the tiny Alaskan town of Barrow, the residents are visited by a flock of bloodthirsty vampires.

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Films Leaving Netflix

Unfortunately, not all of the films stay on Netflix for ever, booooo! Often you don’t get to find out until its too late. The films listed below are leaving Netflix UK super soon so please don’t miss out!


This drama is based on the true story of a forensic pathologist who made a controversial link between NFL players’ concussions and brain disorders.

Leaving: 5th July 2018


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