It’s Episode 95! Josh and Boyd (Footballistically Arsenal) return for Josh’s choice, the award-winning documentary Icarus.

Icarus is 2017 documentary from Bryan Fogel, an amateur cyclist who looks into whether he can improve his performance by injecting drugs. In the process of looking into finding someone to help him dope he accidentally uncovers a legacy of historic doping by the Russian athletics team, as you do.

What starts out as a Supersize Me guinea pig project ends up being one of the biggest whistleblowing documentaries in sport ever uncovered, it even won the Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature.

The end result is a mixed bag, the scandal documentary uncovers is mind-blowing and has thrilling elements but it also suffers from being a bit flabby and unfocused (as you expect from a story that didn’t exist when the filming started).


Kobi scored Icarus a whopping 4.75 for recommendability (no Back to the Future but close!) and it scored reasonably generously across the other categories (except repeat viewing) to score 3.33 overall. A fascinating documentary well worth a watch.

What do you guys think? Have you seen Icarus? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #095 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #095 Crew of Boyd Hilton (@boydhilton) and Josh Landy (@Josh_Landy) from Footballistically Arsenal()

Find their website online here:

Please make sure you give them some love

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

It has to be Putting on the Ritz, but there is no Gene Wilder version so we have added the Mel Torme Version!

More about Icarus

For more info on  Icarus, you can visit the Icarus IMDB page here or the Icarus Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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As well as this weeks episode we think you should know some of the best new films on Netflix UK this week. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news.

The Tigers of Scotland

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Films Leaving Netflix

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Girl with a Pearl Earring

In this adaptation of the best-selling novel, a young housemaid with a hidden appreciation for art becomes the muse of Dutch master painter Vermeer.

Leaving: 12th November 2018

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