Anna Bogutskaya (The Final Girls and The Next Supremes) and Mike Muncer (The Evolution of Horror) join Flixwatcher remotely to review Anna’s choice Under the Shadow.





Under the Shadow is a 2016 Persian-language psychological horror film written and directed by Iranian British Babak Anvari. Set in 1980s Tehran during the War of the Cities, mother and former medical student Shideh and her daughter Dorsa are haunted by a spirit or djinn.

Under the Shadow draws easy comparisons with both The Babadook (Shideh’s maternal shortcomings are visualised by the spirit) and The Devils Backbone (a political war as seen by a child) and this is no detriment.

Supported by strong performances from its two leads Under the Shadow is a powerful (while not strictly a horror in the traditional sense) film that deserves a wider audience.


With a runtime of 84 minutes Under the Shadow is definitely worth a watch and scores a very high 4.20 overall. You can also watch Babak Anvari’s latest film Wounds available on Netflix now.

What do you guys think? Have you seen Under the Shadow? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!


Episode #156 Crew Links


Thanks to the Episode #156 Crew of Anna Bogutskaya (@annabdemented)  from The Final Girls and The Next Supremes and Mike Muncer  (@TheMovieMike)  from The Evolution of Horror. 

Find their websites online at

and at


Please make sure you give them some love



More about Under the Shadow


For more info on Under the Shadow, you can visit Under the Shadow IMDb page here or Under the Shadow Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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