Kevin Lehane (screenwriter for Grabbers) and Will Collins (screenwriter for Wolfwalkers) from The Best Bits podcast join Flixwatcher to review Kevin’s choice The Karate Kid for episode 200!

 The Karate Kid is a 1984 martial arts cult classic written by Robert Mark (Taken/Transporter) Kamen and directed by John G. (Rocky) Avildsen. 16-year-old Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) and his kind hearted single mum Lucille move from New Jersey to LA and while Daniel makes friends with Ali (Elizabeth Shue) by doing so he creates an enemy in her ex-boyfriend Johnny. Johnny just happens to be a student of the Cobra Kai dojo and to take on the bullies Danny learns karate with the help of the eccentric Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita).

Is The Karate Kid more like Rocky or more like Dirty Dancing? Does it have an appropriate amount of karate for a film called The Karate Kid or is there too much romance? Who will give the lowest recommendability score – film chooser Kevin or first time watcher Helen? So many questions you’ll have to listen to find the answers.



The scores for The Karate Kid were completely unpredictable, scoring quite low overall for engagement (owing to its close to two hour run time) but more generously for small screen score givens an overall score of a very respectable 4.02.

What do you guys think? Have you seen The Karate Kid? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!


Find The Episode #200 Crew Online

Thanks to Episode #200 Crew of Will Collins (@WillumsFillum) and Kevin Lehane (@KevinLehane) from @bestbitspod

Find their Websites online at

And at


Please make sure you give them some love

More about The Karate Kid

For more info on The Karate Kid, you can visit The Karate Kid IMDb page here or The Karate Kid Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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