Emma Kathryn and Paul Costello from The Yearbook Committee podcast join Flixwatcher remotely to review Emma’s choice Death Becomes Her.

Death Becomes Her is a 1992 goth, camp, PG body horror comedy starring Meryl Streep as Madeline and Goldie Hawn as Helen life long frienemies and Bruce Willis Dr. Ernest Menville, the long suffering man in the middle. Isabella Rossellini co-stars as Lisle von Rhuman the eternally youthful provider of the magic potion both Madeline and Helen take to preserve their youth and beauty.

 Directed by Robert Zemeckis, Death Becomes Her is notable for its groundbreaking special effects – winning the Academy Award for Best Visual Effects – that are both deeply grotesque and also humorous. The film was a moderate success at the time but in recent years has found a place as a fond cult classic and has been adopted by the queer community.


Death Becomes Her scores very highly across recommendability from guests and Flixwatcher and generously across all the other categories only to fall short on small screen to score 3.95 overall.

What do you guys think? Have you seen Death Becomes Her? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #209 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #209 Crew of Emma Kathryn (@GirlofGothamand Paul Costello (@PaulCinephile) from (@YearbookPodcast)

Find their Websites online at https://linktr.ee/YearbookPodcast

And at  https://twitter.com/FatalAttractPod

And at https://www.twitch.tv/girlofgotham

Please make sure you give them some love

More about Death Becomes Her

For more info on Death Becomes Her, you can visit Death Becomes Her IMDb page here or Death Becomes Her Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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