Jake Cunningham and Michael Leder (Ghibliotheque – A Podcast About Studio Ghibli and Ghibliotheque: The Unofficial Guide to the Movies of Studio Ghibli) join Flixwatcher remotely to review Jake’s choice Deep Impact.

Deep Impact is a 1997 science-fiction disaster movie starring Robert Duvall, Téa Leoni, Elijah Wood and Morgan Freeman. Teenage amateur astronomer Leo Beiderman (Wood) spots an unidentified light in the sky and sends it to Dr. Marcus Wolf who recognises it as a comet on a direct path to earth. On his way to sound the alarm his car crashes. One year later, journalist Jenny Lerner (Leoni) accidentally uncovers ELE (Extinction Level Event) not Ellie as she first thinks. Tom Beck (Freeman), the President of the United States announces the news to the world that the comet is on course to impact the Earth in roughly one year and could cause humanity’s extinction.

Is Deep Impact the last greatest blockbuster of the 20th century? Cruelly barged out of the Box Office by the louder, brasher Armageddon, Deep Impact has possibly aged much better and hits more on an emotional level. It scores highly across recommendability, loses some points on the small screen to score an exact 4 overall.

What do you guys think? Have you seen Deep Impact? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #217 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #217 Crew of Jake Cunningham (@jakehcunningham) and Michael Leader (@MichaelJLeader) from Ghibliotheque

Find their Websites online at https://twitter.com/bfi

And at https://twitter.com/littledotstudio

And at https://twitter.com/lwlies

And at https://twitter.com/theipaper

And at https://twitter.com/BIFA_film

Please make sure you give them some love

More about Tremors

For more info on Deep Impact, you can visit  Deep Impact IMDb page here or Deep Impact Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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