Neha and Caria from Not Having It All podcast return to Flixwatcher remotely to review Neha’s choice The Half of It.

The Half of It is a 2020 Netflix American coming-of-age comedy drama written and directed by Alice Wu. It stars Leah Lewis as Ellie Chu a shy Chinese-American, Daniel Diemer as jock Paul Munsky who gets Ellie to write his love letters to Alexxis Lemire’s Aster Flores.

Set in the small town of Squahamish, Ellie lives with her widowed father, the station master at the local station. She reluctantly agrees to write romantic letters on behalf of Paul – a modern Cyrano de Bergerac – and finds herself falling for Aster in the process.

The Half of It has a lot of heart, it’s impossible not to fall in love with Ellie, watching her slowly fall in love with Aster and form a genuinely touching friendship with Paul. It also resolutely does not follow the conventional paths of teen comedy dramas, which is refreshing for the teen genre.


The scores for The Half of It was very high for recommendability and engagement, only losing points for repeat viewing to give a very respectable overall score of 3.78

What do you guys think? Have you seen The Half of it? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #223 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #223 Crew of  Caris Rianne (@carisrianne) and Jay Neha (@nehajay_) from Not Having It All Podcast

Find their Websites online at

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Please make sure you give them some love

More about The Half of it

For more info on The Half of it, you can visit The Half of it IMDb page here or The Half of it Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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