Petros Patsilivas (Caged In: Coppola Connections) and Ariane Anantaputri (A Drip Town Lemory Mane: The Podcast) return to Flixwatcher remotely to review Petros’ choice 8 Mile.

8 Mile is a 2002 vaguely auto biographical drama starring Eminem as B-Rabbit, a white rapper struggling to launch his rap career with support from Kim Basinger as his trailer trash mom, Brittany Murphy as his love interest and Mekhi Phifer as his pal Future (loosely based on Eminem’s real-life close friend and rapper Proof).

Set in 1995, B-Rabbit hates his blue-collar job and wants to be a rapper but freezes on stage and is humilated. To build his confidence his best friend Future pushes him to enter a revenge rap battle where he succeeds. Lacking in a real character arc, 8 Mile is a standard underdog story and that is elevated by a central performance from Eminem.


Eminem picked up the Academy Award for Best Original Song for Lose Yourself – even though it only features briefly in the end credits – the music and rap battles still stand up in 8 Mile (even if a majority of the language is pretty homophobic). Recommendability from guests and Flixwatcher were mixed and scores for repeat viewing were low. Let down by its longer than necessary runtime of one hour and 50 minutes 8 Mile scores 3.45 overall.

What do you guys think? Have you seen 8 Mile? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #226 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #226 Crew of Petros Patsilivas (@cagedinpod) and Ariane Anantaputri (@arianeanindita) from (@Breadbrumbspod

Find their Websites online at

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Please make sure you give them some love

More about 8 Mile

For more info on 8 Mile, you can visit 8 Mile IMDb page here or 8 Mile Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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