Carrie Morrison (Lights, Carrie, Action podcast) and Jessica Reagan (Best Pick podcast) return to Flixwatcher remotely to review Carrie’s choice My Neighbor Totoro.

My Neighbor Totoro is the 1988 iconic Studio Ghibli animation. Written and directed by the legendary Hayao Miyazaki it tells the story of sisters Satsuki and Mei who move to a rural setting while their mother is unwell and in hospital. One day, Mei follows two spirits into the forest and finds a sleeping “Totoro” – a sort of chinchilla type animal – and falls asleep on its belly. Satsuki at first doesn’t believe Mei that the Totoro exists but later when they are waiting for the bus in the rain Totoro appears.

With a run time of under 90 minutes My Neighbor Totoro is light on narrative but heavy on fantasy and animism – the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. It is impossible not to be drawn into the fantasy and charm of Totoro and this was heavily reflected in the scores.

The recommendability scores for My Neighbor Totoro were very high but a little lower for engagement giving an overall rating of 4.04.



Episode #237 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #237 Crew of Carrie Morrison (@CarrieJoMo) and Jessica Regan (@itsjessregan) from The Best Pick movie podcast

Find their Websites online at

And at


Please make sure you give them some love

More about My Neighbor Totoro

For more info on My Neighbor Totoro, you can visit  My Neighbor Totoro IMDb page here or My Neighbor Totoro Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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