Arlie Adlington (award-winning audio producer) and Kate Leaver (Who’s A Good Dog podcast) return to Flixwatcher remotely to review Arlie’s choice Twister.

Twister is a 1996 disaster film directed by Jan de Bont with a screenplay by Michael (ER, Jurassic Park) Crichton and Anne-Marie Martin. It stars Bill Paxton as Bill, a retired storm chaser-turned weatherman and Helen Hunt as Jo, a meteorologist obsessed with chasing tornadoes and trying to deploy a tornado research device – they also happen to be ex husband and wife. Along with a supporting cast of twister perverts including Cary Elwes, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Alan Ruck, Jeremy Davies and Jake Busey they are in a race against tornados to successfully test Dorothy and her magic balls.

Twister has a surprisingly low body count (high flying cow count) for a disaster film (the dog does not die) and also quite a low action rate apart from a couple of decent scenes – just about enough to sustain for its near two hour runtime. Twister is quite an usual film – flying cows – and it is also a very 90s film with plenty of unintentional hilarious moments and dodgy CGI.

Scores for recommendability for Twister were pretty decent, less high for repeat viewing, mainly because of the long runtime but it still manages to score a respectable 3.39 overall.



Episode #238 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #237 Crew of Arlie Adlington (@ArlieAdlington) and Kate Leaver (@kateileaver) from Whos A Good Dog

Find their Websites online at

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Please make sure you give them some love

More about Twister

For more info on Twister, you can visit  Twister IMDb page here or Twister Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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