Kelechi Ehenulo (Confessions From A Geek Mind, Film Stories, VultureHound Magazine) and Katie Smith-Wong (Movie Marker, Film Stories, New Scientist) return to Flixwatcher remotely to review Kelechi’s choice The Harder They Fall.

The Harder They Fall is a 2021 Western debut film written and directed by Jeymes Samuel. Loosely based on real cowboys and outlaws of the 19th-century American West. Rare for Westerns it features a principal cast of black actors which includes Jonathan Majors, Idris Elba, Zazie Beetz, Regina King, Delroy Lindo and Lakeith Stanfield.

The film opens with an 11-year-old Nat Love witnessing the murder of his parents at the dinner table by Rufus (Idris Elba) Buck and being marked by Buck with a cross carved on his forehead. Fast forward twenty years and Nat (Jonathan Majors) learns of Buck being released from prison and gets the gang together to seek revenge.

The Harder They Fall is a dazzling debut that is as violent as it is energetic and scores very highly on recommendability from guests and Flixwatcher. Slightly slower scores for small screen give an overall rating of 4.37.


Episode #252 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #252 Crew of Crew of  Kelechi Ehenulo (@kehenulo) and Katie Smith-Wong (@KatieSmithWong)

More about The Harder They Fall

For more info on The Harder They Fall IMDb, you can visit The Harder They Fall IMDb page here or The Harder They Fall Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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