Midsommar is the 2019 second feature film from writer and director Ari Aster. Starring Florence Pugh, Jack Reynor
William Jackson Harper and Will Poulter as a group a friends invited to visit Sweden to experience an exclusive midsummer festival. After a family tragedy, the tensions in the relationship between Dani and her boyfriend Christian are out in the open. Despite her obvious fragile mental state she agrees to come along and it is not long before strange things start happening and the lines between reality and hallucinations become blurred.

Midsommar is an extremely vivid and imaginative folk horror than manages to move between the disturbing and the amusing with ease. Anchored by a phenomenal performance by Florence Pugh helps the two hour and 27 minute run time feel light.

The Podcast Nobody Asked For has to date recommended Midsommar 146 times – therefore it was not a surprise that their scores for recommendabilty were the full five. Slightly lower scores for small screen – this is film best viewed with an audience on a big screen – gives an overall rating of 4.15.


Episode #261 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #261 Crew of  Ian Harries (@lordharries) and Graham Jones from The Podcast Nobody Asked For

Find their Websites online at https://thepodcastnobodyasked4.captivate.fm/

Please make sure you give them some love


More about Midsommar

For more info on Midsommar, you can visit Midsommar IMDb page here or Midsommar Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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