Hana Walker Brown (Broccoli Productions, author A Delicate Game) and Jen Offord (Standard Issue Podcast, author The Year of the Robin) join Flixwatcher remotely to review Hana’s choice The Father.

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The Father is a 2020 drama directed by Florian Zeller and is based on the stage play of the same name. It stars Anthony Hopkins, in an Oscar-winning performance, as the father, Anthony, Olivia Coleman as his daughter Anne, Mark Gatiss, Imogen Poots, Rufus Sewell, and Olivia Williams Co star.

Anthony is in his 80s and has dementia, his daughter Anne is frustrated as he has rejected several carers and it is putting a strain on her relationship with her partner. Through their interactions we move between Anthony’s flat and Anne’s flat. We meet Laura, a carer, who bears a likeness to his other daughter Lucy or is she his memory of Lucy? There are two different men in the flat, sometimes Paul and sometimes James.

The Father is a powerful and disorientating experience of how it feels to slowly lose your memory to dementia. Characters and rooms shift and change and the viewer questions what is real and what is imagined.

The Father is a difficult watch but it is also an incredible film with stellar performances. Unsurprisingly the scores for recommendability were very high. Slightly lower scores for repeat viewing give The Father an overall rating of 3.96.


Episode #279 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #279 Crew of  Hana Walker Brown (@HWalker_Brown) and Jen Offord (@inspireajen)

Find their Websites online at https://twitter.com/broccolicontent
And at https://twitter.com/llmonts

Please make sure you give them some love


More about The Father

For more info on The Father, you can visit The Father IMDb page here or The Father Tomatoes page here.

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