Sean Higgins (The Sofa Cinema) and Lucy Buglass (Tea-V-Time podcast) join Flixwatcher remotely for a spooky special to review Sean’s choice Halloween.

Halloween is the 1978 John Carpenter slasher classic starring Jamie Lee Curtis (in her film debut) as Laurie Strode who is terrorised on Halloween by mental patient on the loose Michael Myers.

That is basically the plot! It has inexplicably spawned 12 sequels of extremely mixed quality – Carpenter very wisely had zero involvement in the sequels – but it is widely agreed that Halloween (1978) is the best. Laurie has entered into film history as an original ‘final girl’ and the Michael Myers mask has entered popular culture multiple times (see Baby Driver).

Halloween is probably unlikely to shock and scare 2022 viewers like it did in 1978 but that doesn’t stop it being highly endearing and winning over even non-horror fan Kobi. Scores for Halloween were very high, especially for recommendability, slightly lower engagement give it an overall rating of 3.95.


Episode #272 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #272 Crew of Sean Higgins (@SeanHig44489215) and Lucy Buglass (@TeaVTimePod)

Find their Websites online at

Please make sure you give them some love


More about Halloween

For more info on Halloween, you can visit Halloween IMDb page here or Halloween Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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