Bertie from director duo “Bert and Bertie” and Linton Stephens (BBC Classical Fix) join Fixwatcher to review Bertie’s choice Lou.


Lou is a 2022 action thriller directed by Anna Foerster and it stars Allison Janney as Lou, a loner living with her dog on Orcas Island with a secret past that comes back to haunt her when a local girl is abducted.

Lou arrives at the same time as Michelle Yeah and Viola Davis are championing physical and powerful performances for women over the age of 50 and Janney impresses, particularly with her combat skills.

However impressive Janney is, Lou unfortunately feels a bit like a budget Taken. Scores for recommendability for Lou were generous but lower for repeat viewing and engagement to give an overall score of 3.37.


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Episode #275 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #275 Crew of Linton Stephens and (@LintonStephens) Bertie from BertAndBertie

Find their Websites online at

Please make sure you give them some love


More about Lou

For more info on Lou, you can visit Lou IMDb page here or Lou Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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