Becky Darke (The Evolution of Horror, Don’t Point That Horror At Me and Return to Eerie, Indiana podcasts) and Joshua Tonks (actor and screenwriter, The Latent Image (2022)) join Flixwatcher to review Becky’s choice Cam.
Cam (2018) is a psychological horror thriller directed by Daniel (How to Blow Up a Pipeline) Goldhaber. It stars Madeline Brewer as Alice, AKA Lola, a cam girl with ambitions of being the number one ranked girl on the website FreeGirlsLive.
One day Alice finds herself locked out of her account and discovers a doppelgänger Lola active and performing on livestreams. Unable to access her account, Alice determined to get it back blurs the lines between Alice and Lola to find out who or what is has taken her identity.
Cam might start as a standard slasher film but it doesn’t go down the usual route. While the set up doesn’t quite match the ending it is still an interesting and chilling film that looks at identity, isolation and the role technology has on our lives.
Recommendability scores for Cam were high and with a runtime of 93 minutes, engagement and repeat viewing scores were also strong to give an overall rating of 3.74.
Recommendability | Repeat Viewing | Small Screen Score | Engagement | Overall | |
Becky | 4 | 4.5 | 4 | 3.5 | 4.00000 |
Josh | 4 | 3 | 3 | 3.5 | 3.37500 |
Helen S | 4 | 3 | 5 | 4 | 4.00000 |
Kobi | 3.4 | 2.5 | 5 | 3.5 | 3.60000 |
3.85 | 3.25 | 4.25 | 3.625 | 3.74375 |
Episode #331 Crew Links
Thanks to the Episode #331 Crew of Becky Darke (@bunnydarke) and Joshua Tonks (@JoshuaTonks)
You can find their website here
and at
Please make sure you give them some love
More about Cam
For more info on Cam can visit Cam IMDB page here or Cam Rotten Tomatoes page here.
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