Ep #001 – Pirates! An Adventure with Scientists with Tom and Felix of Wooden Overcoats
In our first episode, we chat about Pirates! An Adventure with Scientists/ A Band of Misfits (depending on where in the world you live) as chosen by Tom of Wooden Overcoats! Tom had never seen it before and chose it to bury a grudge with a former co-worker who said that it was rubbish.
We were also joined by Felix from Wooden overcoats, who had no Idea what a Christmas Ham was.
The Aardman classic Pirates! (Insert your favourite ending here) tells the story of the “Pirate Captain” and his quest to become “Pirate of the Year” even though he gets beaten every year by better Pirates as voiced by Lenny Henry, Salma Hayek and Hugh Grant.
Pirates! is one of the most densely packed films since Airplane!.. and they both have exclamation marks at the end.
Episode #001 Scores
Episode Crew Name | Recommendability Score | Repeat Viewing Score | Small Screen Score | Engagement Score | Overall Score |
Felix | 5 | 4 | 4.5 | 5 | 4.625 |
Tom | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 4.5 |
Helen | 4 | 3 | 4 | 3 | 3.5 |
Kobi | 4.8 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4.2 |
AVERAGE | 4.7 | 3.75 | 4.125 | 4.25 | 4.2 |
The Episode #001 crew rated this highly with a 4.2/ 5 so a pretty high standard to right off the bat here at Flixwatcher. The “Recommendability” scores were super high and Pirates was let down if anything by the “Repeat Viewing Score”
What do you guys think? Have you seen Pirates an Adventure with Misfits? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!
Links to the Episode #001 Crew
Thanks to the Episode #001 crew Tom Crowley (@atomcrowley) and Felix Trench (@felixtrench and www.felixtrench.com) of Wooden Overcoats .
Please find and subscribe to Wooden Overcoats on iTunes
Visit their website www.woodenovercoats.com
Wooden Overcoats on Instagram
Wooden Overcoats Facebook Page
The Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist
From Pirates! we added the songs The tune “I’m Not Crying” and Tenpole Tudor classic “Swords of a Thousand Men”, “Alright” by Supergrass, “London Calling” by the Clash and “You Can Get It If You Really Want” to our Flixwatcher Spotify and iTunes Playlists.
Head to our playlists page and subscribe to them and maybe download the song yourself from iTunes if you fancy.
For more info on the Pirates! An Adventure with Scientists you can visit the IMDB page here or the Pirates! Pirates! An adventure with Scientists can be found on Rotten Tomatoes here.
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PS we have a private Facebook Flixwatcher Podcast group that is only available to members of our email subscribers list. You will be sent the link to the group when you sign up for the competition! Win win! Join the banter – SPOILERS ALLOWED!
If you want to tweet the lovely cast and crew about this episode that would be super smashing great of you!
Here are all of their deets:
Director: Peter Lord @PeteLordAardman
Hugh Grant: @HackedOffHugh
Martin Freeman: @Marfrman
Imelda Staunton: @ImeldaStaunton
Jeremy Piven: @jeremypiven
Lenny Henry: @LennyHenry
Salma Hayek: @salmahayek
Brian Blessed: @brianblessed
Aardman Animation Studios: @aardman
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