Beth and David from Wooden Overcoats (your premiere comedy drama podcast about rival funeral directors), join Kobi and Helen to review the 1950 Betty Davis classic All About Eve. Scoring 100% on Rotten Tomatoes, All About Eve is a bona fide Hollywood classic....
OMG! Episode 60! Hannah and Jen from Standard Issue (a podcast by women for women BOOM!) return for Hannah’s choice In Bruges. Where to start with In Bruges? It’s a 2008 film from Martin McDonagh starring Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson as two hitmen attempting to...
Will and Chris return for Episode 59 and we’re reviewing Will’s choice Nebraska. Not a documentary on the Bruce Springsteen classic album but the 2013 Alexander Payne comedy drama starring Bruce Dern. Part road trip, part snapshot of Middle America and part portrait...
Welcome to Episode 58! Our guests are Ned from Global Pillage and Grownup Land and stepping in last minute to save the show Tom from all of the podcasts (Global Pillage, Grownup Land, The Guilty Feminist and Best Pick) and we’re reviewing the Coen Brothers classic...
It’s Episode 57! Liam from Spocklight and Eleanor from Bygones join Kobi and Helen to review The Magdalene Sisters, Eleanor’s choice. The Magdalene Sisters is a 2002 film from Peter Mullan that follows the experiences of three young girls sent to the Magdalene...
Episode 56 sees The Sugar Baby Confessionals Sara Mae and Ruby join Flixwatcher to review Their Finest, the choice of Sara Mae. Their Finest (and occasionally Their Finest Hour) is a 2016 film from Lone Scherfig (One Day, An Education) starring the wonderfully on form...
Jen and Dave from The Family Tree return for Episode 55 where we review Grandma, a 2015 comedy drama starring the awesome Lily Tomlin. The grandma (lesbian, widow and poet) in this film doesn’t conform to the usual granny stereotype, this film is part road trip for an...
It’s Episode 54! Imrie and Natalie return for the documentary One of Us. This 2017 documentary follows the lives of three people who have chosen to leave the environment of Hasidic Judaism. Did you know Hasidic Jews fear the internet? If the answer is no and you’re...
Welcome to Episode 53, returning guests Chris (Easy Riders, Raging Podcast) and Adam (Truth and Movies – Little White Lies) are back to review Chris’s choice City of God (Cidade de Deus). The 2002 Brazilian drama from Fernando Meirelles is based on a novel by...
Its Episode 52! Kobi and Helen are joined by Chris and Will to review Bernie (Chris’ choice), the 2011 black comedy from Richard Linklater starring Jack Black. The bizarre true story of mortician Bernie Tiede (Black) who amongst making the dead look glamorous also has...