Todd from “The Bitter End” chose the 80’s Body Horror Classic “From Beyond” for Episode 5 of the Flixwatcher Podcast!From Beyond -Flixwatcher Podcast -


Todd is a big horror fan and first watched From Beyond as a young boy on VHS and it has stuck with him since then. The episode 005 crew were divided between horror and (Todd and Helen) non-horror (Tom and Kobi) fans so it would be interesting to see what they made of it.


The Bitter End Podcast - Flixwatcher Podcast

The split was actually quite interesting in that the Bitter End guys both looked favourably on From Beyond . In particular, Todd managed to eek out some more points based on his enthusiasm and allegorical theories behind the film.

This was a really interesting choice for a Flixwatcher episode so early on in our run and goes to highlight the depth and variety of choices on the Netflix platform.


The overall Flixwatcher Rating for From Beyond is a surprising  3.3! This was not expected going into the recording session but goes to show the courage in Todd’s conviction.

From Beyond scored highest in the “Engagement Score” bracket and lowest in the repeat viewing score. Once may be enough!

What do you guys think? Have you seen From Beyond? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #005 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #005 Crew of The Bitter End

The Bitter End is available on iTunes so please make sure you give them some love

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

There were no tunes from the film itself that we’d bring into the podcast BUT due to a nice piece of film trivia we’ve added “Intergalactic” by the Beastie Boys into the fold. Why? You’ll have to listen to the episode to find out…


More about From Beyond

For more info on the From Beyond, you can visit the From Beyond IMDB page here or the From Beyond Rotten Tomatoes page here.

Stuart Gordon     @OfficialSGordon

Jeffrey Combs    @jeffreycombs

Barbara Crampton

Ken Foree

Ted Sorel   @TsSorel

Carolyn Purdy-Gordon

Bunny Summers    @bunniesummers

Bruce McGuire    @dunord

Del Russel    @deleuss1


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