In episode #009 of Flixwatcher podcast guests, Dave from Fortitude Magazine and Josh from Footbalistically Arsenal return, this time to discuss the Quentin Tarantino modern masterpiece Pulp Fiction.
Unbelievably there are people in the world that haven’t seen Pulp Fiction! Dave hadn’t, so it was his choice and we thank him for it.
Tarantino’s Palme d’Or winning second film made in 1994 famed for its groundbreaking non-linear narrative, the bromance between Samuel L Jackson and dazzling script impressed the first-time watcher Dave and was a more than welcome re-watch for Josh, Helen and Kobi.
With so many great moments there was much to discuss, the watch, the $5 milkshake, the star-studded cameos, that soundtrack and what is in that briefcase? No one was more happy to revisit this postmodern 90s classic than Helen who praised Tarantino for his strong female characters and the timeless quality of the film.
Episode Crew Name | Recommendability Score | Repeat Viewing Score | Small Screen Score | Engagement Score | Overall Score |
Josh | 4.5 | 3 | 3 | 3.5 | 3.5 |
Dave | 4.9 | 4.9 | 2.5 | 4 | 4.075 |
Helen | 5 | 4 | 3 | 4 | 4 |
Kobi | 5 | 4 | 3.5 | 4 | 4.125 |
AVERAGE | 4.85 | 3.975 | 3 | 3.875 | 3.9 |
Despite quibbles on our unique scoring system (recommendability is a word?!), watching it on his 47″ TV Dave scored Pulp Fiction highly on its repeat viewing, apparently, you have to keep watching until you die to fully understand it all. Kobi lists it as being in his Top 5 Films (we’ll be keeping an eye out for other entries) and we all recommend it.
If you haven’t seen Pulp Fiction – stop reading this and go watch it, now! Go, go, go…! Please do come back and listen to this episode though!
Episode #009 Crew Links
Thanks to the Episode #009 Crew Dave Hudson (@IamDaveHudson) of Fortitude Magazine and Josh Landy (Footballistically Arsenal, Play With a Legend and Bake with a Legend
Please make sure you give them some love
Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist
The question is what song NOT to include on the Spotify playlist. There are FAR to many! We have settled on Dusty Springfield’s “Son of a Preacher Man”, “Miserlou” by Dick Dale, “Let’s Stay Together” by Al Green and Chuck Berry’s “You Never Can Tell”
More about Pulp Fiction
If you want to know more about Pulp Fiction you can find check it out on IMDB or you can find more info via Rotten Tomatoes.
Quentin Tarantino @qtarantino
Tim Roth @TimRoth
Amanda Plummer @amberstwyth
Laura Lovelace @lauralovelace
John Travolta @johntravoltahot
Samuel L. Jackson @SamuelLJackson
Phil LaMarr @phillamarr
Frank Whaley @TheFrankWhaley
Burr Steers @BurrGoreSteers
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