
Episode #0019 welcomes back John Future Music and Ben from Top Film Tip reviewing That Thing You Do! the 1996 directorial debut from everyone’s favourite Tom. A very American musical comedy set in the swinging summer of 1964.


The film follows the one hit wonder band the Oneders or The Wonders and the meteoric rise of their hit song “That Thing You Do”!. Inoffensive, nostalgically charming, riding the wave of his 90s super stardom this is pure bankable Hanks.



Top Film Tip - Flixwatcher Podcast


Despite scoring high at 93% on Rotten Tomatoes – it was DESTROYED by Ben, with him scoring it 0 0 0 0. For the record, Ben doesn’t like The Beatles and his quote “offensively bland” would probably not make the poster.

Although not universally hated, it is long – pushing two hours 20 minutes of vanilla niceness – with only Liv Tyler adding some energy to the casting. There are much better Tom Hanks films but its not THAT bad. Scoring 1.7 overall, sorry Tom but its the lowest scoring Flixwatcher film so far.


What do you guys think? Have you seen That Thing You Do? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #019 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #006 Crew of Ben from @TopFilmTip and John (@JohnLunny) of www.mixcloud.com/john-lunny and futuremusic.fm

Please make sure you give them some love

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

Of course… we’re adding the main song!


More about That Thing You Do

For more info on That Thing You Do, you can visit the That Thing You Do IMDB page here or the That Thing You Do on Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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