Its Episode 46! We’re reviewing Creed with Jen and Hannah from Standard Issue! The 2015 sort of spin-off, sort of sequel sequel in the Rocky film series. Michael B. Jordan is the son of Apollo Creed and Sylvester (‘sentient piece of corn beef’) Stallone returns as Rocky.

If you have a vague interest in the Rocky series and can get over the fact the main character is called ADONIS Creed then this film is for you. If you have no interest in the Rocky series, or boxing and think a main character called ADONIS Creed is ridiculous then step out of the ring!


Creed scores a respectable score overall of 3.1, considering Helen’s low scoring. If you’re a fan of Rocky and boxing (or The Wire for that matter) you’ll enjoy this – if you don’t then probably don’t bother, unless you have a spare two hours and 13 minutes and no other plans, knock yourself out!

What do you guys think? Have you seen Creed? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #046 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #046 Crew of Hannah Dunleavy @thatdunleavy and Jen Offord-  @inspireajen  from The Standard Issue @standardissueUK. Find their website here:

Please make sure you give them some love

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

Time takes everybody out; time’s undefeated!

More about Creed

For more info on Creed, you can visit the Creed IMDB page here or the Creed Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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Films New on Netflix

As well as this weeks episode we think you should know some of the best new films on Netflix UK this week. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news.

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Films Leaving Netflix

Unfortunately, not all of the films stay on Netflix for ever, booooo! Often you don’t get to find out until its too late. The films listed below are leaving Netflix UK super soon so please don’t miss out!

This Is England 90

As they seek out love, fun and employment, teenage skinheads Shaun, Lol, Woody and their gang of friends try to find their way in the world.

Leaving: 1st December 2017


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