For Episode 49 we break the no Adam Sandler rule to review the 2017 Noah (Bumbag) Baumbach film The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected). Joining us are returning guests Gail Porter and Heat’s Boyd Hilton.

The Meyerowitz Stories

If you’re a fan of dysfunctional family comedy dramas set in New York you’ll be in for a treat with Baumbach stepping in to fill the neurotic void now it’s no longer okay to watch Woody Allen films.

Anti Sandler enthusiasts Gail and Helen had different reactions – Gail didn’t bother to watch the film but Helen enjoyed the film and would consider re-watching Punch Drunk Love as a result. Starring Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman, Elizabeth Marvel and Emma Thompson, it’s a fantastic ensemble cast and although re-treads some familiar Baumbach territory (difficulty in parking in New York) and isn’t his best (see Frances Ha, The Squid and the Whale…) it’s funny in places and recommended for completists.


Scoring 3.85 overall, brought down massively by Gail not having seen it – not a challenger to our highest Flixwatcher
rated film What We Do In The Shadows ·but worth a watch.

What do you guys think? Have you seen The Meyerowitz Stories? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #049 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #049 Crew of Crew of Gail Porter @Gailporter ( and Boyd Hilton @boydhilton

Please make sure you give them some love

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

Nothing for this week!

More about The Meyerowitz Stories

For more info on The Meyerowitz Stories, you can visit the The Meyerowitz Stories IMDB page here or the The Meyerowitz Stories Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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Films New on Netflix

As well as this weeks episode we think you should know some of the best new films on Netflix UK this week. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news.


When her husband vanishes during a secret mission, biologist Lena joins an expedition into a mysterious region sealed off by the U.S. government.

Added to Netflix: 12th March 2018

Midnight Special

When his son exhibits supernatural powers, a father takes the youngster on the run to protect him from government authorities and religious fanatics.

Added to Netflix: 8th March 2018

Ricky Gervais: Humanity

In his first special in seven years, Ricky Gervais slings his trademark snark at celebrity, mortality and a society that takes everything personally.

Added to UK Netflix: 13th March 2018

Steel Rain

Amid a coup, a North Korean agent escapes south with the country’s injured leader in an attempt to keep him alive and prevent a Korean war.

Added to UK Netflix: 14th March 2018

Meditation Park

An elderly immigrant matriarch from Hong Kong finally begins to break out of her shell of isolation when she suspects her husband of infidelity.

Added to UK Netflix: 9th March 2018

Films Leaving Netflix

Unfortunately, not all of the films stay on Netflix for ever, booooo! Often you don’t get to find out until its too late. The films listed below are leaving Netflix UK super soon so please don’t miss out!

The 40-Year-Old Virgin

At age 40, there’s one thing Andy hasn’t done, and it’s really bothering the sex-obsessed guys at work, who set out to help him get laid.

Leaving: 16th March 2018


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