It’s Episode 76! Suruthi and Hannah from Red Handed return for Suruthi’s choice the 2015 horror film It Follows.

The ‘monsters’ in It Follows are mostly naked creepy old women and freaky kids, summoned by teens having sex (of course), once infected the only way to survive is to pass it on or killed by an invisible, super strong, sex ghost.


It feels very much like an 80s John Carpenter film, with a killer soundtrack, absence of parents, dreary run down Americana but also feels modern despite the lack of modern technology, earning its own genre of hipster horror. It Follows scores 3.64, let down by low repeat viewing and that we all enjoy a good horror film cinema experience.

We’re also curious to know if there are any other fans of Apocalypto out there?????

Please let us know in the comments below!

Episode #076 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #076 Crew Suruthi Bala @suruthibala  and Hannah from true crime podcast “RedHanded” @RedhandedThePod

Find their website online here:

Please make sure you give them some love

Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

It has to be Putting on the Ritz, but there is no Gene Wilder version so we have added the Mel Torme Version!

More about Casting JonBenét

For more info on Casting JonBenét, you can visit the Casting JonBenét IMDB page here or the Casting JonBenét Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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Films New on Netflix

As well as this weeks episode we think you should know some of the best new films on Netflix UK this week. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news.

In the Heart of the Sea

In this true tale (which inspired “Moby Dick”), a New England whaling crew wages a desperate battle to survive when a giant whale capsizes their ship.

Added to UK Netflix: 16th September 2018


The Hangover: Part III

The Wolfpack returns to Las Vegas as they try to get Alan back on his meds, and wind up on a wild escapade with Mr. Chow and angry mob boss Marshall.

Added to UK Netflix: 15th September 2018

The Land of Steady Habits

After leaving his wife and his job to find happiness, Anders begins a clumsy, heartbreaking quest to reassemble the pieces of his fractured life.

Added to UK Netflix: 14th September 2018

Our Brand Is Crisis

After dropping out of the D.C. rat race, a hotshot political strategist is hired to help revive a failing presidential campaign in Bolivia.

Added to UK Netflix: 16th September 2018

The Hangover

When three friends finally wake up after a wild bachelor party, they can’t locate their best friend, who’s supposed to be tying the knot.

Added to UK Netflix: 15th September 2018

Films Leaving Netflix

Unfortunately, not all of the films stay on Netflix for ever, booooo! Often you don’t get to find out until its too late. The films listed below are leaving Netflix UK super soon so please don’t miss out!

The Big Short

A group of wily opportunists make a fortune off of the U.S. economic crash by sniffing out the situation in advance and betting against the banks.

Leaving: 23rd September 2018

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