Helen O’Hara (Empire Podcast and magazine) and Helen Zaltzman (The Allusionist, Answer Me This! and Veronica Mars Investigations) join Flixwatcher remotely to review Helen O’H’s choice The Prestige.

The Prestige is the 2006 mystery thriller starring Christian Bale as Alfred Borden and Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman) as rival magicians in London at the end of the 19th century. Based on the novel of the same name by Christopher Priest is also stars Michael Caine as Cutter, Rebecca Hall as Borden’s wife Sarah, Scarlett Johansson as Angier’s stage assistant Olivia and David Bowie as Nikola Tesla.

After a water tank trick ends in tragedy for Angier their rivalry and oneupmanship increases, Borden loses two fingers during a bullet catch and retaliates by injuring an audience member’s fingers and killing a bird during Angier’s show. The arrival of the transported man trick leads Angier to Tesla who creates a machine capable of real magic.

The Prestige is largely considered Nolan’s best film by fans, in the opening scene Cutter, explains the three parts to a magic trick: The Pledge, The Turn, and The Prestige – essentially the framework for all Nolan’s films but it’s The Prestige where he manages to pull it off without having to over-explain the concepts or melt the brain with time travel.



Despite Helen Z not being a Nolan fan, the scores from the other Helens and Kobi, and usually for a Nolan film a high small screen score still awards The Prestige with an overall score of 4.06 overall. There was a lot of love for it from Twitter claiming it to be Nolan’s best.

What do you guys think? Have you seen The Prestige? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!


Episode #194 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #194 Crew of Helen O’Hara (@HelenLOHara) from Empire Podcast and magazine and Helen Zaltzman (@HelenZaltzman)  from The Allusionist, Answer Me This! and Veronica Mars Investigations.

Find their Websites online at https://www.empireonline.com/

And at https://www.theallusionist.org/

And at https://podfollow.com/answermethis/view

And at https://www.veronicamarsinvestigations.com/

Please make sure you give them some love

More about The Prestige

For more info on The Prestige, you can visit The prestige IMDb page here or  The Prestige Rotten Tomatoes page here.


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As well as this week’s episode we think you should know some of the best new films on Netflix UK this week. Subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest news.

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