Episode #010 ARQ w/ Dave and Cathy of The Cinemile and Shitegeist

Welcome to Flixwatcher podcast episode #010! Our guests were Cathy and Dave from the film review show on the movie podcast The Cinemile returning this time to review Dave’s choice the Netflix Original ARQ.

That’s ARQ, not ark or arc, Dave (sci-fi nut and time travel fan) chose this as he is a fan of Tony Elliot’s (ARQ director) TV show Orphan Black and was intrigued by the concept.

ARQ-Flixwatcher Podcast - Image 02

Set in a dystopian future (never, never utopian!) where there are no apples and only the bad guys have shoes, Renton (no not that Renton) a well groomed engineer/underwear model is stuck in a Groundhog Dog style loop which has something (or nothing) in connection with a mysterious energy source.

Neither taut nor thrilling this sci-fi misfire had some interesting ideas but was let down by the cheap sets, unconvincing acting, incoherent plot and unintentional moments of comedy. Despite its short running time of 89 minute the film was a bit of a slog for all to watch and reminded everyone of much better time looping films than this (Groundhog Day, Source Code, Edge of Tomorrow).

There was so, so much love for the far superior Edge of Tomorrow from everyone, maybe watch that instead (crosses fingers Netflix will have it soon…)


Arq scored 1.9 overall and this was largely due to the fact that we all agreed it will look and experience would be a lot better in the cinema. It, therefore, scored low on the on the small screen score.


What do you guys think? Have you seen ARQ? What did you think? Please let us know in the comments below!

Links to the Episode #010 Crew

Thanks to the Flixwatcher Podcast episode #010 crew Cathy Cullen (@cathycullen) and Dave Corkery (@thisiscorkery) of The Cinemile (@TheCinemile) and Shitegeist (@Shitegeistpod). If you like their brand of banter you should head over to their iTunes Page, listen to them and subscribe!

Shitegeist Logo on Flixwatcher Podcast

Our behind the scenes crew are our editors and podcast advisors in the form of GL Productions. Click on these links to visit the GLPro website or follow GL Productions on Twitter.

Also, thanks to Mighty People for their Tunes Misty Eyes and Amazon that we use in the show. Go listen to more of the Mighty People songs on Soundcloud

The Flixwatcher Spotify Playlist

We tried to find some tunes from but were faced with this statement “There are no soundtrack albums in our database for this title.”

So unfortunately, we have nothing!!

More about ARQ

For more info on ARQ, you can visit the IMDB page here or the ARQ Rotten Tomatoes page here.

If you enjoyed this episode of Flixwatcher Podcast you probably know other people who will like it too! Please share it with your friends and family, review us, and join us across ALL of the social Media links below.

If you want to tweet the lovely cast and crew about this episode that would be super smashing great of you!

Here are all of their deets:

Tony Elliott    @tangoecho

Robbie Amell   @RobbieAmell

Rachael Taylor    @_Rachael_Taylor

Shaun Benson   @shaunmbenson

Gray Powell   @graypowell

Jacob Neayem @jacobneayem

Adam Butcher   @adambutcherstar

Tantoo Cardinal   @tantooC

Jamie Spilchuk   @jamiespilchuk

Final Plug! Subscribe, Share and Review us on iTunes

If you enjoyed this episode of Flixwatcher Podcast you probably know other people who will like it too! Please share it with your friends and family, review us, and join us across ALL of the social Media links below.

Also published on Medium.

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