Film writers Leila Latif (Little White Lies, Curzon, Total Film) and Hanna Flint (Fade to Black podcast, The First Film Club) join Flixwatcher remotely to review Leila’s choice Easy A.

Easy A is a 2010 teen comedy loosely inspired by The Scarlet Letter starring Emma Stone, Stanley Tucci, Patricia Clarkson, Thomas Haden Church, Amanda Bynes, Penn Badgley, Lisa Kudrow, and Malcolm McDowell.

Stone plays Olive, a high school student who makes up an elaborate lie about losing her virginity to avoid spending a weekend with her best (but toxic) friend (Amanda Bynes) and her family. Devout Christian and prude Marianne overhears their conversation and soon the whole school knows of Olive’s (fake) sexual encounter. Rather than own up to her lie, Olive sinks deeper into slutdom by dressing provocatively and entering into transactions with unpopular guys to give them fake sexual encounters.

Featuring probably the coolest teen comedy parents (Clarkson and Tucci) and a charming performance from Stone, Easy A scores very highly on recommendability and with a runtime of 92 minutes, repeat viewing as well. This warming tonic of a film scores a very respectable overall rating of 4.30.


Episode #244 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #244 Crew of  Leila Latif (@Leila_Latif) and Hanna Ines Flint (@HannaFlint) from first_filmclub

Find their Websites online at

Please make sure you give them some love

More about Easy A

For more info on Easy A, you can visit Easy A IMDb page here or Easy A Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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