Russell Bailey (Not Just For Kids Podcast) and Will Chich (Caged In: Coppola Connections) join Flixwatcher remotely to review Russell’s choice Jackie Brown.

Jackie Brown (1997) - IMDb

Jackie Brown is the 1997 Quentin Tarantino film based on the novel Rum Punch by Elmore Leonard. It stars Pam Grier as Jackie Brown, Samuel L. Jackson as Ordell, Robbie Robert Forster as Max Cherry, Bridget Fonda as Melanie Ralston, Michael Keaton as ATF Agent Ray Nicolette, Robert De Niro as Louis Gara and Chris Tucker as Beaumont Livingston.

Air hostess Jackie Brown is busted carrying cash and drugs from Mexico into the US for gun enthusiast and aspiring crime boss Ordell. To avoid jail she agrees to help Agent Ray Nicolette in a sting to get Ordell. At the same time she negotiates a plan with Ordell for him to keep the money – unknown to either Jackie plans to keep the money for herself with the help of smitten bail bondsman Max Cherry.

Unbelievably Jackie Brown received a lukewarm response from critics and film fans who were expecting Pulp Fiction part two. Time has however shown that it is top tier Tarantino and it has grown in popularity, mainly because of the incredible performance by Pam Grier.

Scores for Jackie Brown were high for recommendability but a little lower for repeat viewing – mainly due to its 2 hour 40 min run time – and engagement gives an overall rating of 4.03. This makes Jackie Brown the current leader on the Flixwatcher scoreboard for Tarantino films.


Episode #270 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #270 Crew of  Russell Bailey (@russlovesmovies) and Will Chich (@WillChich)

Find their Websites online at
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Please make sure you give them some love


More about Jackie Brown

For more info on Jackie Brown, you can visit Jackie Brown IMDb page here or Jackie Brown Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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