Laura (BBC Culture, Little White Lies, Empire Magazine) Venning and Lillian (AUTISM through CINEMA podcast, Little White Lies) Crawford join Flixwatcher to review Laura’s choice The Others.

The Others is a 2001 gothic horror starring Nicole Kidman and written and directed by Alejandro (Open Your Eyes) Amenábar.

Kidman is Grace who lives in a remote house in Jersey in the aftermath of World War II with her two young children who suffer from an unspecified photosensitive condition. She hires three new house staff and strange things start happening at the house which leads Grace to believe there are “others” in the house with them.

The Others is a beautifully designed gothic horror that manages to create and sustain a feeling of something not being quite right but not revealing its twist too early.

Scores for recommendability for The Others were high but due to the twist ending repeat viewing was much lower and gives an overall rating of 3.59.


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Episode #274 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #274 Crew of Lillian Crawford and (@lillcrawf) Laura Venning (@laura_venning)

Find their Websites online at

Please make sure you give them some love


More about The Others

For more info on The Others, you can visit The Others IMDb page here or The Others Tomatoes page here.

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