Leslie Pitt (Fatal Attractions podcast and Hustlers of Culture podcast) and Reece Beaumont (Reos Positive POV) join Flixwatcher remotely to review Leslie’s choice Blade Runner 2049.

Blade Runner 2049 in a 2017 sequel to Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (1982), directed by Denis Villeneuve it stars Ryan Gosling as K/Joe as Nexus-9 replicant working for the LAPD as a “blade runner” who retires (kills) rogue replicants. While on a job he discovers a box containing remains of a replicant that had a caesarean, proving that replicants can reproduce. His superior Lt. Joshi (Robin Wright) fears this knowledge could start a war between humans and replicants and orders K to cover the truth.

The supporting cast also includes Harrison Ford (reprising his role as Deckard), Ana de Armas in her breakout role, Mackenzie Davis, Dave Bautista and David Dastmalchian. Blade Runner 2049 also earned Sir Roger Deakins his very much deserved first Oscar for Best Cinematography on his 14th nomination.

Scores for Blade Runner 2049 were mixed, there were a few caveats to the scores for recommendability and due to the incredible cinematography low scores for small screen. However, it still manages to score a respectable 3.62 overall.


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Episode #276 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #276 Crew of Leslie Pitt (@Afrofilmviewer) and Reece Beaumont from (@ReosPositivePOV)

Find their Websites online at https://twitter.com/Setthetape

Please make sure you give them some love


More about Bladerunner 2049

For more info on Bladerunner 2049, you can visit Bladerunner 2049 IMDb page here or Bladerunner 2049 Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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