Mel and Bethany from Movement is Life, a podcast series from Intelligent Health, join Flixwatcher to review Mel’s choice Your Place or Mine.
Your Place or Mine is a 2023 romantic comedy starring Reese Witherspoon as Debbie and Ashton Kutcher as Peter. The film starts in 2003 where Debbie and Peter hook up at a party and have a one night stand. 20 years later they are best of friends even though Debbie is now a single mum living in LA and Peter is a successful business man living in New York. On Peter’s birthday they arrange a house swap so Debbie can attend a course and Peter can look after Debbie’s son, Jack.
Predictably, Debbie and Peter end up together but in a slightly complicated way. Your Place or Mine has shades of The Holiday with the house swap but the dodgy CGI ruins any romantic feelings for New York. There isn’t really a meet-cute and the realisation of their real romance is a bit icky.
It was universally agreed by Flixwatcher and guests that Your Place or Mine is a tragic misfire, zero chemistry between Reese and Ashton and convoluted plot. Recommendability scores for Your Place or Mine were not great and with a run time of nearly two hours, way longer than it needs to be, the engagement wasn’t high either and it scores 2.88 overall.
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Episode #291 Crew Links
Thanks to Episode #291 Crew of Bethany @_bradio and Mel from @Intelligent_Hlt
Please make sure you give them some love
More about Your Place or Mine
For more info on Your Place or Mine, you can visit Your Place or Mine IMDb page here or Your Place or Mine Rotten Tomatoes page here.
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