Rob Miller (Creative Industry Insight podcast) and Tom Salinsky (Best Pick podcast) return to Flixwatcher to review Rob’s choice The Stranger.

The Stranger is a 2022 psychological crime thriller film, written and directed by Thomas M. Wright it is based on the non-fiction book The Sting: The Undercover Operation That Caught Daniel Morcombe’s Killer by Kate Kyriacou. It stars Sean Harris as Henry Teague, the lead police suspect in the disappearance and murder of a young boy. Joel Edgerton is undercover police officer ‘Mark Frame’, who under the guise of being part of the criminal underworld gains the trust of Henry that will hopefully help them secure a confession.
The Stranger is a text book example of a slow burn. It eschews a more traditional storytelling approach taken by undercover cop dramas and focusses on the internal conflict of those who go undercover and the complexities of male bonding.

It’s slightly unconventional approach and intense viewing experience meant it was tricky to score highly on recommendability, which isn’t to say it isn’t very good, just that it isn’t a casual watch. Scores across the remaining categories bring the overall rating to a very respectable 3.58.


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Episode #295 Crew Links

Thanks to Episode #295 Crew of  Robert from @CIIPodcast and Tom from @BestPickPod

Find their Websites online at

Please make sure you give them some love


More about The Stranger

For more info on The Stranger, you can visit The Stranger IMDb page here or The Stranger Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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