Happy 300th Flixwatcher! In this special birthday episode Sam Pay and Martin Zaltz Austwick from Song by Song join Flixwatcher to review Helen’s choice The Irishman.

The Irishman is a 2019 Martin Scorsese film, based on the non-fiction book I Heard You Paint Houses by Charles Brandt, it tells the story of Frank “The Irishman” Sheeran a truck driver who becomes a hitman for the mob.

Robert De Niro stars as Frank Sheeran, Joe Pesci stars as Russell Bufalino, the crime boss of the Bufalino mafia and counsel to Jimmy Hoffa, played by Al Pacino. Ray Romano, Bobby Cannavale, Anna Paquin, Stephen Graham and Harvey Keitel also star in supporting roles.

The Irishman is notable for its 209 minute runtime – three hours and 29 minutes of mob violence and International Brotherhood of Teamsters – labour unions in the US.

Recommendability for The Irishman was mixed, despite general consensus that is it a very interesting film, the three hour plus runtime goes against it. Unsurprisingly the repeat viewing scores very quite low and overall The Irishman scores 3.36.

Enjoyed Sam and Martin as hosts? Check out past episodes The Drunken Master and The Nice Guys.



Episode #300 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #300 Crew of Sam @sampay and Martin @martinaustwick of Song by Song Podcast @SongBySongPod

You can find their website here songbysongpodcast.com

And at https://twitter.com/neutrinowatch

And at https://twitter.com/allusionistshow

And at https://twitter.com/CDMLtdAgency

Please make sure you give them some love


More about The Irish Man

For more info on The Irish Man you can visit The Irish Man IMDB page here or The Irish Man Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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