Dr. Nicola Millard and John Loftus (BT Young Scientist STEM Inspirations podcast, 8Radio Ireland) join Flixwatcher to review Nicola’s choice I’m Thinking of Ending Things.

i’m thinking of ending things is the 2020 Charlie Kaufman adaptation of the novel of the same name by Iain Reid. It stars Jessie Buckley as the Young Woman, who could be called Lucy, Louisa, Lucia, and Ames and Jessie Plemmons as her boyfriend Jake. On a wintery car journey to meet Jake’s parents, Mother (Toni Collette) and Father (David Thewlis), the Young Woman is contemplating ending their relationship. After their arrival at Jake’s family home things become increasingly surreal and reality, memory and imagination all merge into one.

It is fair to say the reaction for i’m thinking of ending things was mixed for Flixwatcher and guests, despite being huge fans of other Kaufman films like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Being John Malkovich. Scores for recommendability were quite low and only improved slightly for small screen and to give an overall rating of 2.75.



Episode #302 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #302 Crew of Dr. Nicola Millard (@DocNicola) and (@loftysnds) John Loftus

You can find their website here https://twitter.com/8RadioIreland

And at https://twitter.com/GoldenPlec

And at https://twitter.com/BTYSTE

And at https://twitter.com/chokecomedy

Please make sure you give them some love


More about I’m Thinking Of Ending Things

For more info on I’m Thinking Of Ending Things you can visit I’m Thinking Of Ending Things IMDB page here or I’m Thinking Of Ending Things Rotten Tomatoes  page here.

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