Dee and Randa from the Switchblade Sisters Social Club podcast return to Flixwatcher to review Dee’s choice Bridesmaids.

Bridesmaids (2011) is an American comedy written by Kristen Wiig and Annie Mumolo, and directed by Paul Feig. It stars Kristen Wiig as Annie, Maya Rudolph as Lillian, Rose Byrne as Helen, Melissa McCarthy as Megan, Wendi McLendon-Covey as Rita, Ellie Kemper as Becca, Chris O’Dowd as Officer Nathan Rhodes, Matt Lucas as Gil, Rebel Wilson as Brynn and Jon Hamm as Ted.

Annie and Lillian are lifelong best friends. Annie is down on her luck after her dream bakery closed and in a terrible casual relationship with Ted. When Lillian gets engaged and asks Annie to be her maid of honour their relationship unravels as Annie feels threaten by Lillian’s new friend Helen. A serious of unfortunate events, including explosive diarrhoea at a bridal boutique, lead Lillian to assign duties to Helen and break up with Annie.

Bridesmaids was a huge box office success and earned Melissa McCarthy and Wiig and Mumolo Oscar nominations for Best Supporting Actress and Best Original Screenplay respectively. Despite being too long Bridesmaids is very funny and recommendability scores reflected this. Lower scores for repeat viewing (there is no need for this to be two hours and 5 minutes long) give an overall rating of 3.75.



Episode #316 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #316 Crew of Diana and Randa from @ssscpodcast

You can find their website here

And at



Please make sure you give them some love


More about Bridesmaids

For more info on Bridesmaids you can visit Bridesmaids IMDB page here or Bridesmaids Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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