Stephen Carty (BBC Radio Scotland, Radio Times, Empire Magazine) and Simon Williams (You’re Going to Need a Bigger Boat film quiz) join Flixwatcher to review Stephen’s choice The Equalizer.

The Equalizer (2014) directed by Antoine (Training Day) Fuqua stars Denzel Washington as Robert McCall, a former US Marine and DIA officer, now retired and working in an hardware store. On one of his late night dinner visits he meets a sweet, teenage prostitute called Teri, played by Chloë Grace Moretz. When Teri is badly beaten by pimp, Slavi, Robert takes a personal interest in her wellbeing and takes matters into his own hands by paying her pimp a visit to buy her freedom. When his offer is declined Robert uses his old skills to take out Slavi and his gang, indadvertedly starting an all out war with a Russian syndicate.

While The Equalizer doesn’t rewrite the retired specialist killer coming out of retirement to seek justice genre it does bring a lot of entertainment and a top tier Denzel performance. The final act also features some fantastic death by DIY kills.

Recommendability for The Equalizer was high, dropping points for its violence. Scores across the categories were very strong to give an impressive rating of 4.30 overall.



Episode #320 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #320 Crew of  Stephen Carty (@TheNakedPun) and  Simon Williams (@film_quiz)

You can find their website here


And at



Please make sure you give them some love


More about The Equalizer

For more info on The Equalizer can visit The Equalizer IMDB page here or The Equalizer Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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