Sean Wilson and Andy Williams from Frame to Frame podcast return to Flixwatcher to review Sean’s choice Young Adult.

Young Adult (2011) is a comedy-drama from director Jason Reitman and writer Diablo Cody, their second collaboration after Juno (2007), who would go onto to make a third film together in 2018 with Tully.

Charlize Theron plays Mavis Gary, a 37-year-old divorced alcoholic, she works as a ghost writer of a series of young adult novels that are soon to be cancelled. When she receives an email from old flame Buddy, played by Patrick Wilson, she sees it as a sign to return to her home town to win him back.

Young Adult followed the pretty much universally adored Juno and its tone couldn’t be more different. Theron does an incredible job of bringing humanity to a character that has very little redeeming qualities and is so very mean to people.

While it is a comedy, it is very much a bleak black humour and not laugh out loud. This was reflected in the recommendability scores, despite this Young Adult still scores a very high 4.15 overall.



Episode #322 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #322 Crew of  Andy Williams (@andywilliams250) and Sean Wilson (@seano22) from Frame to Frame podcast 

You can find their website here

And at




Please make sure you give them some love


More about Young Adult

For more info on Young Adult can visit Young Adult IMDB page here or Young Adult Rambow Tomatoes page here.

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