Genevieve Hassan (Celebrity Catch Up: Life After That Thing I Did podcast) and Natalie Jamieson (Bestsellers podcast, BBC Radio 1 & 2) join Flixwatcher to review Genevieve’s choice Bros: After the Screaming Stops.

Bros: After the Screaming Stops (2018) documents the rehearsals for their 2017 reunion shows, 28 years after their last performance. It also gives an insight into their relationship and lives after their success in the 1980s.

Forget what you know about documentaries and Bros, some of the one liners could have come straight from Christopher Guest. There are also moments where they reflect on the pressures of finding fame at a very early age.

Despite no one experiencing fanny flutter levels of Bros fandom, the recommendability scores for Bros: After the Screaming Stops were very high. That will high scores across small screen and engagement gives an overall rating of 4.04.



Episode #325 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #325 Crew of Genevieve Hassan (@JournoGenevieve) and Natalie Jamieson (@Nat_Jamieson)

You can find their website here

Please make sure you give them some love


More about Bros: After the Screaming Stops

For more info on Bros: After the Screaming Stops can visit Bros: After the Screaming Stops IMDB page here orAfter the Screaming Stops – Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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