Stephen Carty (BBC Radio Scotland, Radio Times, Empire Magazine) and Simon Williams (You’re Going to Need a Bigger Boat film quiz) return to Flixwatcher to review Stephen’s choice Extraction 2.

Extraction 2 (2023) is the sequel to the Netflix 2020 film Extraction. Directed by Sam (Extraction) Hargrave and based on the graphic novel Ciudad by Ande Parks, Joe Russo, Anthony Russo, Fernando León González and Eric Skillman. Spoiler, after surviving (just) a previous mission, Tyler (Chris Hemswoth) Rake retires to Austria but his retirement is short-lived. A mysterious stranger (Idris Elba) arrives with a rescue mission involving Tyler’s ex-wife’s Mia’s (Olga Kurylenko) sister Ketevan (Tinatin Dalakishvili) and her children. Her husband,Davit Radiani, just happens to be one of the co-leaders of the largest crime syndicate of Georgia and much violence and destruction follows the rescue.

Chances are if you enjoyed Extraction, you’ll enjoy Extraction 2. Unlikely to make the top ten list of films of the year but it knows what kind of film it is and plays to those strengths – ridiculous levels of violent action. Scores for recommendability reflected this and scores across the other categories give an overall rating of 3.66.


Episode #326 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode #326 Crew of Stephen Carty (@TheNakedPun) and Simon Williams (@film_quiz)

You can find their website here

and at


Please make sure you give them some love


More about Extraction 2

For more info on Extraction 2 can visit Extraction 2 IMDB page here or Extration 2 Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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