Kim Marsh and Alice Nagle from Fetch the Smelling Salts podcast join Flixwatcher to review Kim’s choice Hidden Figures.

Hidden Figures (2016) is loosely based on the non-fiction book of the same name by Margot Lee Shetterly. It tells the incredible true story of the biographies of three African-American women who worked as computers to solve problems for engineers and others at NASA. Directed by Theodore Melfi it stars Taraji P. Henson as Katherine Goble Johnson, Octavia Spencer as Dorothy Vaughan and Janelle Monáe as Mary Jackson. Other real life character include Mahershala Ali as Jim Johnson, who marries Katherine and Glen Powell as astronaut John Glenn. In fictional roles it also stars Kevin Costner, Kirsten Dunst and Jim Parsons.

Hidden Figures shines a light on the impressive work done by women of colour in behind the scenes roles. However, there are a number of fictional scenes and several inaccuracies, some that lean into the white saviour trope.

Recommendability scores were very favourable despite the historical inaccuracies. Fairly solid scores across the remaining categories give a very respectable score of 4.34 overall.



Episode #373 Crew Links

Thanks to the Episode # 373 crew of Kim Marsh and Alice Nagle from Fetch the Smelling Salts podcast

You can find their website here

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Please make sure you give them some love


More about Hidden Figures.

For more info on Hidden Figures can visit Hidden Figures IMDB page here Hidden Figures Rotten Tomatoes page here.

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