Admit One Movies Podcast

Podcast Description

Simon Oxlade and Mat Purvis are film fans, not critics. Armed with an annual cinema pass they spend their own money and then meet up in the pub to review what they have seen. Full of warm, witty banter, and sometimes gloriously profane, these shows are like sitting in a pub with your mates complaining about movies. While they may know what an F-stop is, and what the heck a gaffer does, the pair are honest film fans who reflect the opinions of the average cinema goer with their local multiplex at the end of their street. You won’t get a score, but you will get an honest assessment of what two average Joes think of the flick and is it worth your money. Each show usually consists of some news, some gossip, if anyone of note has died recently there’s a respectful obituary before the three or four reviews are delivered. In between there are insults, jokes, beer and smiles. We’re not the best criticism podcast out there, but we’re probably the warmest.

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